Red Bank Price List

Queen City Self Storage
Price List for Our Red Bank Location

4775 Red Bank Expressway, Cincinnati, Ohio 45227

Note: These Prices are For Our Red Bank Expressway Location Only

Indoor Storage Units

Size* The Easy Way To Store: Cost (plus tax)*
5×5 Boxes and small items $45.00
5×10 One room/no major appliances $65.00
5×15 Two rooms or appliance $65.00
10×10 Two or three rooms $105.00
10×15 Three or four rooms 125.00
10×20 Four rooms or full house $150.00
10×25 Four to six rooms or cars $175.00
10×30 Car, boat or business $200.00
10×35 Great for small businesses $220.00

Outdoor Storage

10×20 – O Small vehicle, boat or trailer $42.00
10×30 – O Large vehicle, boat, trailer or RV $52.00
10×20 – CO Covered/Outside $63.00
10×30 – CO Covered/Outside $67.00

*All Units require a $20 refundable Security Deposit & $10 Administration Fee
** Subject to availability

Free 24 Hour Access!

Monday – Friday 9:OOAM to 5:00PM
Saturday 9:00AM to 3:00PM

Contact us today to learn more about storage units at Queen City Self Storage’s Red Bank Location.